Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pop Voxx, Comic Relief and the Kardashian Family

Had another glorious music session today (actually, last Friday) with the recording crew from Nightsound Studios. Today was spent mostly with Sequence/Production Star, Adrianna Villa, as we recorded 'Maestro' Dylan Alexzander Turner doing the bass for 'Caribbean Sunrise.'

Chris Wimberley (Ober-everything-no-that-button) joined us later. Along with Studio Manager Maven/Co-Editing Elf Princess, Meghan Puryear - who does not like having her picture taken; I snuck one through the glass, of almost half her face (yay!).

Fellow Co-Editing Elf Princess, Geneva Walata, was not with us today. Hope she's ok. One or two of the rest of us were not having our bestest day.

So. We have drums almost edited on all six tracks (drumming courtesy of 'Pyro' Rob J. DiMauro). Keys tracked on three and a half songs ('Harpsicord?!' Gabriel Reynolds). Bass on four. And guitar (Hugh Swaso, also apparently known as 'The Swasinator') yet to begin.

Few bits and pieces, bit more percussion, some digital instrumentation, mixing and mastering, and we should be ready for the Grand EP Release/Showcase Party in June or July, when Pop Voxx / Geoff Gilson [Mark II] will feature a full band.

The session today was dedicated to Pharrell Williams. I will be sending him a completed version of the EP, and inviting him to steal whatever he likes.

In the meantime, I have a song going round in my head, where the lyrics go:

"I feel happy,
When you blur the lines,
I get lucky,
When you blur the lines."

The working title of the song is: "He's Dead; Won't Notice." Or is it too soon ... ??

You will notice that, in all of the pictures in the collage above, I am wearing a silly red nose. My lovely twin sister, Maggi, sent me this, along with other assorted goodies, to celebrate UK Comic Relief. I am especially proud of the fact that I have now mastered the bathroom selfie. I am the Kardashian!