Sunday, October 25, 2015

Treatment of Staff: Chapel Hill News

As promised, article on page 10A of The Chapel Hill News section of The News&Observer. Little tucked away. But it's there.

Now. As I urged yesterday. Please put a copy up on your breakroom noticeboard. You are entitled. It is your noticeboard too. This is your news. We are still allowed ethical comment. And your fellow workers deserve to know what is happening on their behalf - the good as well as the bad. They deserve to know that voting works, protesting works. In our co-op.

But don't stop there. As the article makes clear, the WSM Board will be reconsidering the Board Policy 'Treatment of Staff' at its Board Meeting on November 4.

Please write (all of you, consumer and worker) to them ( and tell them that we workers do not want any changes to that Board Policy. We want to continue to have our rights to be involved in decision-making within WSM (even if that doesn't happen at the moment!), ethically to dissent and to take our grievances to the WSM Board.

If you feel so inclined, go one further. Ask the WSM Board now to demand of the WSM General Manager that he immediately hold a full consultative exercise (just as he did to try to push through the proposed changes to WSM Employee Policy), to allow workers to design the process by which, going forward, we will be involved fully and properly in WSM decision-making, in line with the document produced in 2007.

We won a step. Now, we need to continue down the Yellow Brick Road, all the way to the Emerald City. That would be the sustainable, walkable, bikeable, authentic, locally-grown and organic Emerald City, by the way ...