Friday, June 10, 2011

Letter To CHN Editor -- "Insulting WSM Workers"

Well, I'm pissed all over again. With a WSM Board that has the temerity to tell the public that 98% of WSM workers are happy with WSM. So. A letter to the Editor of the Chapel Hill News:

"Dear Sir,

You will shortly read in the latest newsletter from the Board of Weaver Street Market Co-operative that 98% of the workforce said in the recent Employee Survey that they were happy with WSM.

This is simply not true.

For sure, 98% of us said we love working at WSM. We do. We wouldn't be there otherwise. Specifically, we love co-operative principles.

But what the Board newsletter fails to say is that, along with this bland answer to a bland control question, we workers also provided 72 pages of closely-typed criticism of the leadership of our co-op, and its abandonment of those same principles.

We workers are over-worked, over-stressed, underpaid, under-staffed, under-equipped. We are not properly consulted, nor are we sufficiently included in decision-making.

The Survey results were, in fact, a damning indictment of our co-op's leadership and direction. For the Board to suggest otherwise is dishonest and insulting.

Geoff Gilson
Weaver Street Worker Advocate"


The Chapel Hill News very kindly published my letter.