Thursday, December 4, 2008


A little bird tells me that senior management are thinking of making more efficient use of staff in this recession by introducing reduced shifts and a seven-day work week.

Of course, I could be wrong. I hope I am. I was enjoying my little moment of retirement after this past year of contribution to the governance of our co-op for free.

If, however, I'm right, then respectfully it is time for all workers and their department managers to join as one and say to senior management: Enough is Enough!

Enough of this nickel-and-diming. Enough of squeezing the workers, without asking them what they think. Enough of asking us to work harder for less money - when I see no evidence that one senior manager has taken a similar pay-cut.

Enough of trying to make minute savings at our expense, when not one sensible thing is being done to reduce the two enormous costs that are sinking our co-op - the operational costs of the Food House, and its attendant debt.

It is time to wake up and smell the roses. Expansion was a mistake. It is time to stop, take breath, and then devise a plan to split up what we have created, and spread the cost around more manageable chunks.

Frankly, if we do not decide to do this right now, then before the end of this year, our creditors will be forcing it upon us.

In any event, if my information about this latest nonsensical move is correct, then I will be demanding that we have a full meeting of the co-op, where all of the financial information is put before us, and we can quiz the people who are making these idiot decisions.

I would remind senior management one more time of the decision-making process that exists for employees. Important decisions that affect our workplace are supposed to involve us. So. Involve us. Re-institute the full co-op meeting you canceled earlier this year.

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