Monday, September 23, 2013

POP VOX @ Carrboro Music Festival [Sun, Sept 29]

You thought that was it for the season? Not a chance!! My schizophrenic musical embodiment, Pop Vox / Geoff Gilson, will be performing our trademark, hi-energy, interactive Beach Pop, between 8.00pm and 10.00pm, in the #2ndWind line-up for the #CarrboroMusicFestival, next Sunday, September 29.


Sunday @ 2nd Wind promises to be something of a #Weavestock redux, with three of the musical acts in the 2nd Wind line-up including employees fromWeaver Street Market.

#POPVOX, of course! Then, Greg SronceDylan Shrader and Adam DeCaulp of #AvantGardeAmercianSongbook, at 4.00pm. And Henbrain, following POP VOX, at 10.00pm.

Now, Facebook have changed everything. Yet again! So, if you want reminding, just 'Join' or 'Maybe.' That's the only way to get updates!

Or, you can 'Like' the POP VOX FB Page --

If you want a preview of the fun and games, have a gander at the POP VOX Reverbnation Site --

See ya there! Get the voices singing and the feet dancing ... !!